Frequently Asked Questions


  • How can I cancel, change, or pause my membership?

    You can find all the details on membership policies right here: nextlevelsoccer.com/policy.

  • Need to cancel or reschedule a session?

    No problem! Just head to your account online or in the app. To cancel a session, select it, then click "cancel" and "confirm cancellation." If you cancel at least 4 hours before start time, your credit will be returned for rebooking (and any drop-in fee will be waived). Cancellations within 4 hours of start time will not be refunded or credited.

  • Signed up for an evaluation? What’s next?

    Awesome! We’re thrilled you chose Next Level training! Now, log into your account and book your two evaluation classes under "book a class." Look for "evaluation session" classes with a birth year range that suits your player’s birth year. Book both sessions to get your player ready to train ASAP!

  • Evaluation complete? Here’s what to expect next.

    Congrats on finishing your evaluation! If it’s been less than five business days since your second eval session, hang tight -- your report is on the way. If it’s been longer, check your spam folder (from jack@nextlevelsoccer.com) or go to your account (my profile -> shared -> uploads). Still no eval? Reach out to info@nextlevelsoccer.com, and we’ll be happy to help.

  • First-time training? Here’s what to bring.

    Just bring flat shoes (no cleats, please!), like tennis shoes, futsal, or turf shoes. Shin guards are recommended, and don’t forget some water! We’ve got everything else covered!

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